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letters from readers:
To the Editor:
To the Editor:
In the August edition of your magazine, on page 15, you carried a story by Siegmund Klein wherein he referred to a meeting with John Grimek. The date of the meeting was given as 1930. Now that was 26 years ago and assuming that Mr. Grimek was sufficiently mature to handle the weights Mr. Klein mentioned one would put his age at not less than 20 years at that time. This would place Mr. Grimek's age at not less than 46 years
My question is this, is this the same Mr. Grimek whose pictures appear currently in your magazine and if so are these recent pictures? Either there was a mistake in Mr. Klein's date or Mr. Grimek is indeed remarkably youthful appearing for a man of about 46 years of age. Further, he would have been about 40 years of age in 1950, which year your picture of him on the back cover of your Swingbell Course Booklet states that he won the Mr. Body Builder 1950 trophy. This would seem rather a mature age to win such a trophy would it not?
This question arose in my mind when reading the August edition of your magazine and I would like to have you clear it up for me just as a matter of curiosity. James A. Hackendy, Mattoon, Ill.
Editor's Note: Yes, James, that is the same man, and the pictures which appear in this magazine are current photographs which show JCG just as he is today. Like the rest of the York stars, he is living proof of the fact that sensible barbell training builds a strong, well-shaped body that lasts unimpaired far into the middle years. Our group at York is unique in that it presents evidence of the results of weight-training in every age category from the teens to the sixties, and in every case, each man is an outstanding physical specimen for his years.
To the Editor:
If you should happen to print this letter-let me warn you-you'll get plenty of complaints! Everyone has a right to their opinion though, so here I go!
I think these horrible physics, on some of your guys are obscene! Honestly they look completely out of proportion. Take for instance your June cover boy, Bill Pearl!... can you imagine him in a suit? Sure, if we all lived on isles where we roamed around naked, that type would look all right... but we don't! The physiques of such boys as Steve Smith (Page 35) and Mr. Hawaii are all right! At least they don't bulge all over, in the wrong places. Our muscles were put here for a purpose... not to be enlarged and exposed to such an extreme!
Muscles prove masculinity, but not like those! I know you probably have a mon-
strous following, but I'm sorry, I'll be one of many girls that just don't dig muscles, except maybe on Greek statues!
Aileen Curry Washington, D.C.
Editor's Note: Maybe you would dig Bill better if you checked on his picture in clothes in Nov. issue, page 25. He looks like any wholesome, healthy, broadshouldered young man, when he does not spread the "lats." But we must agree with you, Aileen, a lot of musclemen do look like monsters, either clothed clothed, when they carry their lump obsession to extremes.
Dear Editor:
or un-
Just read with a mixture of amusement and disdain the silly "Hoffman Expose" in one of Weedy's Bump Builder magazines. These Beauty Boy affairs are becoming more ludicrous each year. Forhave a small merly they seemed to measure of dignity, but now they provide the nation with a hearty annual chuckle.
Surely there is nothing more ironical than a man undergoing a training routine which weakens him in order to gain a trophy that is supposed to symbolize strength. This has been the pattern in recent years. First we had Jim Park living on pills and cigarettes to train down to the necessary definition to win the Mr. A title. The next year one Richard DuBois gave the audience an exhibition of manly strength by managing to regain an erect posture after fainting on the podium. He had nearly starved himself to death to show his muscles (?) to best advantage.
This year's victor (or should it be victim?) in reducing his excess weight, lost a trifling 60 lbs. off his press in the process. "Uncle Joe" is highly indignant. over Hoffman scoring Vinci above Shaefer at the Virginia Beach Mr. U embroglio. Maybe Vinci isn't as beautiful as Schaefer, but one thing is worthy of note. At the time of the contest, in spite of being outweighed by 80 lbs., he could easily out-press Mr. America.
Let's knuckle down and remedy these foolish exhibitions of male lump-fanciers. Any guy with enough muscle to win the Mr. America title should also be able to lift a good total on the three Olympic lifts on the day of the contest. Grimek did, Hilligenn did, Klisanin did. The rules should insist that Misters be lifters. If such a change cannot be brought about, the A. A. U., in order to maintain a semblance of prestige, should throw the Beauty Contests out.
Cliff Smith Toronto TO THE LADIES (Continued from page 35) Exercise No. 2. Situps-This movement works the upper part of the abdominal group, and coupled with the leg raises gives us a complete workout for this area. Begin this exercise flat on the floor and as soon as twenty-five repetitions are reached the angle of the board can be raised six to eight inches. Start with your arms extended behind you when lying, then sit up and reach for your toes as illustrated. Don't forget to stretch forward as far possible on rising.
Exercise No. 3 Sidebends-This variation of sidebends, standing with the hands clasped overhead, provides plenty of resistance without using any weight. Holding your hands overhead as shown bend to each side as far as
possible going to a fairly rapid rate of speed once you are accustomed to the movement. After a period of time, hold light plate or dumbell in your hands to increase the resistance.
Exercise No. 4. Leg Kicks-For a tummy trimmer and hip and thigh firming exercise this kicking movement is hard to beat. While the driftwood background seemed like a beautiful setting for the picture, a high bench should be used for properly performing this exercise. Sitting on the edge of the bench lie back slightly supporting yourself with your arms, then start kicking. Take it fairly easy to begin with and after getting used to it, a fairly rapid tempo is advisable for that wearing-down effect.
Exercise No. 5. Leg Pushouts-A variation of the leg raise while keeping the tension constantly on the abdomen, this is one of the finest for slimming that waistline. With a board either at a slight angle or flat, pull the knees in toward the stomach as illustrated then thrust them straight out trying to keep them parallel with the floor. Hold each count in this straight-out position for a second or two, then back in and repeat. Working up to more speed as you go along will help here, as in all our exercises, to aid our "inches away" endeavors.
Remember again to be CONSISTENT in your workouts, sets, and and your efforts will
rewarded in the way of a slim stylish for a better TOMORROW...
(Continued from page 63)
he can do without warming up. It's when the muscle is "cold" and not fully activated that they are so susceptible to injuries. It also happens when the muscle has been over-worked and fatigued, when the tissue is clogged with carbon dioxide, lactic acids and other body chemicals that are produced whenever a muscle is active or exercised. Any sudden exertion in an unnatural position could result in pulling or tearing a muscle!
By experience you will learn when any movement seems unnátural to you, and knowing this, the best thing you can do is discard it. If you eliminate the exercise, you can find at least a dozen to replace it, and perhaps prove even more effective. There are many movements that work the triceps just as thoroughly as the "French Press" and with less strain on the joints.
The old proverb, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is truer in exercise than any other field, and those who have suffered painful muscle soreness will realize the true meaning. So. don't try to "show off" without first warming up thoroughly. Don't sit around without ample covering in drafty areas, especially now that cooler weather is here. Take care of your muscles and they will take care of you.
Beginning in the next issue, John Grimek is preparing a complete new series of training articles designed to develop every section of the body. We urge readers not to miss one of these practical training articles. Reserve your copy early, or send in your subscription today.
Subscribe to STRENGTH & HEALTH today!
STOP JUST A MINUTE to consider carefully a Decision which may change your whole. life.. for the better. If you want a better body then THIS is YOUR opportunity. STRENGTH & HEALTH is the oldest, biggest, best of all Physical Training publications. IVe were first in this field, and we are first today. We published more words than any other magazine, by a wide margin. We published more. late news about lifting and bodybuilding than any other publication. We publish more good pictures and feature more celebrated writers. We can do this because York is admittedly the center
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This magazine is devoted to bringing you the Truth about Training. We are not in the business of creating Monsters but in building men. We work constantly with colleges, clinics, and research centers in running down scientific answers to corrective and progressive exercise. We refuse to publish wild-eyed theories, and we I don't ask you to become one of ten thousand guinea pigs. We offer you only sensible, proven methods of sane physical culture. We promise. you a better body, a tranquil mind, a happier future if you will follow our simple rules for Strength and Health living.
We are presently engaged in improving this publication, and we are going to make it a magazine anyone will be proud to read and one. that may be placed on your living room table. for all the world to see. We are going to make it a book acceptable to coaches, physical directors and doctors. We are going to lift the standards of weight-training to heights never reached before. You can help us in this endeavor. This is YOUR magazine as well as ours. If you want to enroll in a clean fight to place the Iron Game. where it rightfully belongs, this is your opportunity to stand up and be counted!
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Besides saving $1.20 on each year's magazines, we offer the following valuable prizes FREE with this Special Offer:
ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION (Choose one) @ $3.00 1. Powerful Grip and Big Forearms. (Book)
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